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So far Means Cork & Cap has created 23 blog entries.

Homebrewing Basics Part 4: How Long is Fermentation?

Time to Ferment! Your wort has been put into the primary fermenter, yeast has been pitched, and it’s time for fermentation to begin! Primary Fermentation Wheat beer in a carboy If you are fermenting an ale, place the fermenter somewhere that will be 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit, and if you are using a carboy as your primary fermenter, make sure it isn’t in direct sunlight. For a lager, the fermentation temperature should be 48-55 degrees Fahrenheit. I have found that most dry lager yeasts, such as those in the Fermentis line, will ferment at the warmer ale temperatures [...]

By |2022-11-04T23:31:01-04:00November 4th, 2022|Brewing Kits, Latest Articles|

Limited Edition 2022!

Limited Edition 2022 We are currently taking pre-orders for this year's limited edition wine kits until 12:00pm Friday, November 11. Please email us to pre-order these kits, [email protected] We do not order any for the store, so if you'd like one of these kits, please pre-order one so we get one just for you! We prefer in store pick-up of these kits. Our Pre-Order Policy: Pre-ordered kits are to be picked up and paid for within 30 days of their arrival at our store. What are Limited Edition Wine Kits? If you don't know what limited edition wine kits [...]

By |2022-09-01T13:17:40-04:00September 1st, 2022|Latest Articles, Wine Kits|

Homebrewing Basics Part 3: What is the Brewing Process?

Brew Day! You have all the equipment you need and have chosen a recipe you want to brew, but how do you do it? In this part, I’m going to discuss the brewing process, focusing on malt extract brewing! Boiling Setup Brew dogs are highly recommended! To brew beer, you need to be able to have a consistent, rolling boil over at least sixty minutes. You can brew on your kitchen stove, but be aware that boil-overs are something that can happen when adding malt and hop additions. Also, you definitely want to be able to see [...]

By |2022-05-12T16:55:20-04:00May 12th, 2022|Brewing Kits, Latest Articles|

Homebrewing Basics Part 2: What’s in Beer?

What's in Beer? Beer is made with four base ingredients, water, malt/grains, hops and yeast. Other ingredients can also be added, such as fruit, juice, honey, and spices. Water Use clean water, whatever you feel comfortable drinking. Some people do a whole water chemistry, and change the pH and hardness of their water to better suit the style of beer they are brewing, but to get started tap or spring water is fine. Do not use distilled water because beer and yeast benefit from the minerals present in water. I do add gypsum to my brewing water, it lowers [...]

By |2022-01-05T12:41:44-05:00December 17th, 2021|Latest Articles|

Homebrewing Basics Part 1: Where to Begin?

Where to Begin? Are you interested in starting to brew your own beer, but don’t know where to begin? In this multi-part guide, I will discuss the basics of homebrewing and share my tips and tricks for brewing beer at home. Equipment One of the most important parts of brewing, or fermenting anything, is equipment. You need a fermenter, siphoning equipment, boiling pot, bottles, cappers, and caps. There are equipment kits available, but you can always buy your equipment separately, and just get the essential pieces for brewing. Fermenters Most beginner ingredient kits make one gallon or five gallons [...]

By |2021-12-10T17:57:58-05:00November 1st, 2021|Latest Articles|
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