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So far Means Cork & Cap has created 23 blog entries.

Limited Edition 2020 Wine Kits

Limited Edition 2020 Pre-Order We are currently taking pre-orders for this year's limited edition wine kits until 12:00pm Friday, November 13. Please email us to pre-order these kits, [email protected] We do not order any for the store, so if you'd like one of these kits, please pre-order one so we get one just for you! We prefer in store pick-up of these kits. Our Pre-Order Policy: Pre-ordered kits are to be picked up and paid for within 30 days of their arrival at our store.   What are Limited Edition Kits? If you don't know what limited [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:17:18-04:00October 13th, 2020|Wine Kits|

Fruit Wine Making Guide, Part Four: Yeast and Fermentation

Time to Begin Fermenting! You have prepared your fruit, additives added, and specific gravity taken, you are ready to start fermenting! We're going to be talking about choosing the right yeast for your wine and the fermentation process. Picking the Right Yeast To have fermentation, you need yeast. You can use bread yeast if you'd like, but think about what bread yeast does…. It eats the sugars in the dough, makes CO2 causing the dough to rise, giving you soft, squishy mouth-watering bread, and imparts that signature bread yeast smell and flavor. When fermenting, you want the yeast to [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:14:41-04:00September 24th, 2020|Latest Articles|

Fruit Wine Making Guide, Part Three: Additives and Testing

A Few More Steps Before Fermentation You’ve cleaned your fruit, prepared it the way you want to ferment it, and are technically ready to start fermenting. However, there are a few more things you may want to add and do before you pitch that yeast. Additives I know many recipes online are more “natural,” in that they use lemons to add acid, and raisins to add tannin into, and that’s fine if you want to use them to add acid and tannin into your wine. But, if you’re like me and don’t want to go to the trouble, or [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:14:42-04:00August 25th, 2020|Latest Articles|

Fruit Wine Making Guide, Part Two: Preparing Fruit for Fermentation

Preparing your Fruit for Fermentation So, you have figured out how much wine you want to make, and have gathered the necessary equipment to start making a batch, where do you go from here? In this part of the fruit winemaking guide, I will be talking about how to get your fruit ready for fermentation. This part was supposed to include additives and testing, but I don't want this to be too long winded, so those will be in their own part. Find a Recipe! With the fruit you want to ferment in mind, I recommend finding a recipe [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:14:42-04:00July 30th, 2020|Latest Articles|

Fruit Wine Making Guide, Part One: Equipment and Cleanliness

As we are entering the fruit winemaking season, I wanted to talk about a few things that can make your fruit wine the best that it can be! I’m going to be splitting this topic into a few posts so it isn’t overwhelming. I know many people often turn to making wine due to leftover fruit from canning, or because fruit bushes/trees have an overabundance and the only option is to let it rot or make wine. I hope this guide can help those of you who are interested in the hobby, and give a new perspective to those [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:14:42-04:00July 11th, 2020|Latest Articles|
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