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So far Means Cork & Cap has created 23 blog entries.

Fruit Wine Without the Mess!

Vintner's Best Fruit Wine Bases   Have you wanted to try making wine out of fruit or grapes that aren't readily available to you, or you don’t want the mess or expense of buying and preparing fruit for a wine? Vintner’s Best Wine Bases may be what you are looking for! Easy to Make These wine bases make five gallons of wine, though you can split it up and make smaller batches; using the 1:4 ratio, it’s one gallon of the base to four gallons of water. These bases are pH balanced and pre-sweetened to ferment to 10% alcohol, [...]

By |2021-08-28T11:16:10-04:00August 28th, 2021|Latest Articles, Wine Kits|

New Chat Option!

Get Answers Right Away! If you have visited our website recently, you may have noticed a chat (Facebook Messenger) icon or message pop-up in the bottom right corner of the page; we recently added the option to chat to us directly via Facebook Messenger! This makes it so you don't have to wait for business hours to call, or for us to answer your emails. Of course, you can still message us via our Facebook page, but this is a nice shortcut if you are on our website and have a question and don't want to navigate to Facebook, [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:16:51-04:00May 8th, 2021|Latest Articles|

Filter Wine Using the Buon Vino MiniJet Filter

Filtering Your Wine In my fruit winemaking guides, I mentioned that in addition to using fining agents to clear your wine, you could also use a filtering system to filter out any of the smaller particulates that may be keeping your wine less than pristine. I am finally getting around to talking more in-depth about the system we sell and/or rent at Means Cork and Cap, and that I’m familiar with, the Buon Vino MiniJet. What is it? The Buon Vino MiniJet is an electric pump filter that pulls your wine from one carboy/bucket through three filter pads of [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:17:52-04:00April 23rd, 2021|Latest Articles|

Fruit Wine Making Guide, (Final) Part 6: Bottling, Storage, and Shelf Life

Last Steps of Winemaking! Your wine has hopefully been cleared and tweaked to your liking. It’s time to get it out of the carboy and into bottles! Sorry, this is a long one, but I did not want to break it up into another part. Bottles, Corks, and Corkers For a long-lasting product, I highly recommend bottling wine in regular wine bottles and corking them. I know some people like to keep their wine in gallon jugs, but if you aren’t going to be drinking all that wine in one sitting, like at a party, it won’t last in [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:14:40-04:00December 8th, 2020|Latest Articles|

Fruit Wine Making Guide, Part Five: Fining, Back-Sweetening, Smoothing, and Flavoring

Finishing Your Wine! Hopefully, if you’re reading this part, your wine has been sitting in a carboy for at least three to six months and has been racked off the sediment a few times. It is time to talk about finishing your wine before bottling!   Fining Agents In the previous part, I talked about using clearing agents to help your wine clear a little more quickly. Those are bentonite, sparkolloid, gelatin finings, or FermFast DualFine. Of course, the wine will clear on its own the longer it sits, and you continue to rack it off the sediment every [...]

By |2021-06-23T15:14:41-04:00November 5th, 2020|Latest Articles|
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